Welcome writers!

Yo ho, yo ho, a writer’s life for me.
One of the greatest lessons I learned in the writing industry is that the rules are more like guidelines, which birthed my short-lived Yo Ho group, based on a line from one of my favorite movies. Perhaps one day I will resurrect that group. But today is not that day. Ha!
When I started writing my fantasy novel I had no clue about writing and the publishing industry. I have learned so many things the hard way that I want to be able to help other writers avoid the same mistakes I made. And because you have to learn the rules before you can break them.
Here you will find a list of blogs, books, websites, etc that I have found helpful in my writer’s journey.
Check back often as I will keep adding to the list.
Randy Ingermanson: Advanced Fiction Writing
Kristen Lamb: Social Media for Authors
David Farland, award winning, international bestselling author, instructor, mentor, #WritingTips
The Creative Penn, resources about writing, publishing, and marketing
Helping Writers Become Authors
The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises by James Scott Bell
Writing Fiction for Dummies by Randy Ingermanson & Peter Economy
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne & Dave King
Million Dollar Outlines by David Farland
Plot Gardening by Chris Fox
Save The Cat! Writes A Novel by Jessica Brody
Story Engineering: Mastering the 6 Core Competencies of Successful Writing by Larry Brooks
Story Trumps Structure: How to Write Unforgettable Fiction by Breaking the Rules by Steven James
Fight Write: How to Write Believable Fight Scenes by Carla Hoch
Realm Makers, a writer’s conference specifically geared toward Speculative Fiction
Ted Dekker’s Creative Way Course
DFWCon, a writer’s conference in Dallas/Forth Area
Agents & Editors Conference, put on by the Writer’s League of Texas
Find more at the Association of Writers & Writer’s Program
54 Pieces of Advice for Your Writer’s Conference Success by The Steve Laube Agency
Graphic & Web Design
PalaCreative, my husband’s business, through which I have designed graphics, logos, and book covers.
Paid Critiques
Amaeris Designs Productions (editing & book trailers)
Stengl Fiction Editing Services
Jill Williamson’s Recommendations
Book Covers & Illustrations
The Creative Penn, Writing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Making A Living With Your Writing
Novel Marketing, Innovative Ways to Sell More Books
The Portfolio Life, Jeff Goins shares thoughts & ideas that will help you to pursue work that matters, make a difference with your art & discover your true voice.
Drawing Maps by WASD20, an awesome series of videos on YouTube going step by step on how to draw your map.
Brandon Sanderson’s Creative Writing lectures at BYU
On Publishing & Writing by Nadine Brandes
Map Icons, free download a handout I had created for my Mapping Out Your Storworld presentation. I shared the information in a 3 part mini-series you can find here:
Jamie Gold’s Worksheets for Writers, wealth of worksheets from beat sheets to writing craft to the publishing process and more!