How are you? The wintery blast has finally hit us in Texas. Twenties are nothing to Minnesotans, but it’s cold here. Ha! But it will be back up in the sixties and seventies next week. Crazy weather.
Y’all, I have a confession to make. Somewhere in mid-to-late October, I dropped the ball. I was doing so good. I was writing, sketching, and then LIFE. So here’s a bit of update and what’s been happening around here.
- Career Day was fun. I enjoyed talking to the students about becoming a published author, but it is such a complex and challenging topic to address.
- PalaCreative news: Where I work as an undercover graphic designer. 😛 I’ve been working with my hubby on logo designs for various clients AND I had a BIG cover design project. I am SO EXCITED about that and can’t wait to share it with you all! Which will be later this month.
- #inktober I did 18 out of 31 sketches for October!! You can see them on my Instagram account.
- NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month) I’m SLOWLY making progress, using NaNo to push me onward. I am way behind on the 50,000 words, but NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER! Are you participating??? Look me up, at j2starshine.
AND then we have…

It’s a mini-comic con for middle schoolers and high schoolers put on by one of the largest (if not the largest) school districts here in San Antonio. (Serves over 100,000 students!)
Y’all, it was awesome. All the costumes, talking about writing, and all. You could feel the creative energy.
I did my first ever presentation on Worldbuilding: Mapping Out Your Story World. Aside from stumbling over my words and the disconnect between my brain and tongue, it was so much fun! We’re already planning on going back next year. (Don’t mind the bent cover of Secrets Kept, I sold out BEFORE I took the picture, so I had to use my proof copy. 😀 )
Looking forward...
That about wraps up most of the happenings around here. Currently, I am writing away on my next story. I’m 32 chapters in! But it’s been more like two steps forward and one step back as I go. My focus for the next few weeks will be to get this story finished and send out a newsletter next month, and to keep creating whether it’s sketching, painting, digital art, or baking goodies for Christmas. 😀
Have a great week!
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